Deployments Divvi Up, A Privacy-Respecting System for Aggregate Statistics

Divvi Up, A Privacy-Respecting System for Aggregate Statistics

Divvi Up is the Internet Security Research Group’s system for private statistical aggregation of software telemetry. Divvi Up offers the Prio3 suite of algorithms. Applications upon which these aggregate statistics are collected include web browsers, mobile applications, or websites. Divvi Up is the evolution of the experiment run with Mozilla, in which Prio was used to collect browser Telemetry data.


GitHub - divviup/libprio-rs: Implementation of Prio in Rust.

About Divvi Up

An update on Divvi Up and the Distributed Aggregation Protocol

Next steps in privacy-preserving Telemetry with Prio

Prio: Private, Robust, and Scalable Computation of Aggregate Statistics

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